Bipolar Ionization Explained


bipolar ionizationStudies show that bipolar ionization kills viruses. The process of ionization eliminates viruses. When applied in terms of air quality, the measure halts the spread of viruses and prevents later viral outbreaks. When individuals infected with a virus cough or perhaps sneeze, they deliver contaminated droplets through the atmosphere. Moreover, when an infected individual contacts a surface while infected, they further spread the virus. Ionization seeks out both airborne pathogens and their droplets that land on surface areas. Studies suggest that ionizing air can prevent the transmission of a virus.

How Does Bipolar Ionization Complete its Mission?

In studying the method of bipolar ionization, ions are attracted to pathogens like viruses. Typical examples of pathogens consist of commonly known viruses such as the norovirus, flu, coronaviruses, and legionella, to name a few.  Furthermore, a virus cannot sustain itself without a solid hydrogen bond. Pathogens are, in fact, neutralized by bipolar ionization and ultimately put out of commission. 

Essentially, adhering to the final stage in the ionization process, a virus is subsequently rendered inactive.  Global Plasma technology delivers optimal management of viruses, as suggested by third-party research. In fact, in cases where Global Plasma™ was used to kill airborne viruses, tests showed that the pathogens were killed at a rate of 99% using ionization

Ongoing Studies on Bipolar Ionization-Viruses

To date, there has been a widespread panic over the coronavirus. Dubbed the novel coronavirus, the deadly pathogen is part of a collective of viruses noted for creating the common cold and more. Nonetheless, the virus mutated and formed a new strain that had never before been seen in humans. Scientists continue to investigate the negative effects of coronavirus on individuals with COVID 19.

The fact of the matter is that illness in commercial buildings contributes to a decline in productivity and profitability. Furthermore, as employees call out sick and miss work, it affects their own income. Millions of people miss work every year due to the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, and the common cold.

Visiting medical appointments, urgent care, and emergency rooms can certainly get expensive. However, facilities can play a role in controlling the spread of viruses through proper ventilation systems. Moreover, viruses can be killed on contact and in the air to prevent their spread with the right cleaning solutions. When bipolar ionization is added as a technology to cleaning tools, the results have proven effective.

Reports suggest the disease has a serious impact on the lungs and other critical organs. With a minimal resemblance to MERS and SARS, the coronavirus does share identical proteins as the various other pathogens. Almost all 3 of these viruses affect the upper respiratory system to various levels and spread rapidly through air droplets and surfaces where infected individuals have contacted. Based on previous studies and the most logical approach, bipolar ionization is likely (but not to date proven) to affect coronavirus strains should they be airborne or on the surface level. 

What is Bipolar Ionization, and how does it work?

Bipolar ionization is a technology that is executed to fight air pollutants such as bacteria, viruses, mold, and other pathogens. Interestingly, this technology has been applied for years, and it was originally introduced to the United States of America in 1970; bipolar ionization technology is applied in numerous HVAC systems. However, this technology was implemented to combat microbes in the food manufacturing industry in the past, but nowadays, it is no longer restricted to the food manufacturing market.

Besides, scientists have proved that the technology is extremely efficient for other industries in the economy with time. The air purification energy has been highly significant to the health sector, precisely fighting against viruses such as norovirus and various influenza strains and the SARS.

Bipolar Ionization Technology

Furthermore, bipolar ionization is quickly gaining popularity, particularly after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which has made the whole world rethink hygiene and air quality. Bipolar ionization has been proven to decrease the spread of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria through the atmosphere. This solution produces negative and positive ions into the environment; this ionization process results in the release of groups of OH (hydroxyl) radicals. Also, these radicals are developed on the pathogens’ surfaces to mainly get rid of the hydrogen component from these deadly microbes’ membranes, thus deactivating any molecule that might be prospectively infectious.

Contrary, if this bipolar ionization equipment is not professionally and properly specified and installed, it may lead to severe damages such as horrible health effects. Bipolar ionization generators produce negatively and positively charged oxygen ions that interact with the pollutants in the indoor atmosphere, resulting in them reducing in spreading in the space or being trapped by a mechanical filter in the air handling equipment. When accurately mounted, operated, and serviced, the bipolar ionization can decrease mold and dust, trap odors, lower VOCs(volatile organic compounds) and remove bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in the atmosphere.

Bipolar Ionization

Furthermore, ions produced by this technology are technically alive; frequently, it is important to move room air through the ion generator to make sure ample interaction with the contaminants. The ionization generators are normally mounted directly on the air handling device or the ductwork;

however, there are also recirculating room spaces, which are also accessible through the manufacturers. Besides, it is highly significant to inspect the power to develop ozone when handling an ionization product; ozone has shown to have severe impacts on human health as the by-product of operation.

Bipolar ionization can be applied to purify the atmosphere in residential and commercial establishments because the ions contribute to agglomerating the tiny sub-micron particles, making them easily filtered. The ions effectively break down the hazardous VOCs using an electron volt potential below twelve(eV<12) into harmless components such as water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide, among others. The ions deactivate the microbes by destroying their protein surfaces; these ions move through the air stream into the occupied areas, purifying the air everywhere, even in the spaces we cannot access.

Additionally, this technology creates an insignificant amount of ozone emission to the atmosphere, and it does regular demand maintenance. Alliance Comfort Systems is highly dedicated to ensuring our clients and customers enjoy the most superior quality of bipolar ionization products and services.

Learn more. Contact us to ask about our Global Plasma™ capabilities.

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